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Lograr - Managing Successful Verbs

In the latest installment of Natalia Oreiro's Biography, we learn more about the young actress and singer's accomplishments. For a vocabulary boost, let's listen to some of those sweet words of success.

In the very first line, we hear:


En muy pocos años, Natalia Oreiro logró convertirse en una auténtica diva de la televisión y de la música pop.

In just a few years, Natalia Oreiro managed to become a true television and pop music diva.

Captions 1-2, Biografía - Natalia Oreiro - Part 10

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"Logró," past tense of the verb "lograr," should sound familiar to our devoted subscribers: In videos Yabla posted during the campaign of one of the former Presidents of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, we heard the verb "lograr," oh, six or seven times in less than five minutes of the tape.


The verb means "to achieve," to obtain," "to manage" or "to succeed in." As with the English words "achieve" or "succeed in," the Spanish "lograr" implies that there was a purpose or goal in mind and, further, it also implies effort. So, note that Natalia Oreiro quickly succeeded in becoming a big star -- which was not only her aim all along, but something she put a lot of work into.
[Usage note: If you're wondering what to say at a graduation ceremony or at the end of a marathon in the Spanish-speaking world: "
¡Felicidades! ¡Lo lograste!" ("Congratulations! You did it!") usually does the trick.]

An approximate synonym for "lograr" is "ganar," which has several shades of meaning -- including "to win," "to gain" or "to earn." In our new Natalia Oreiro video, a few lines later, we hear that her show was a winner (un ganador):


"Muñeca Brava" ganó en dos ocasiones consecutivas el Martín Fierro a mejor novela.

"Muñeca Brava" won two consecutive times the Martín Fierro award for best soap opera.

Captions 19-20, Biografía - Natalia Oreiro - Part 10

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Note that one may, for example, win a prize (ganar un premio) with hard work and talent, win the election (ganar las elecciones) with popular ideas or win the lottery (ganar la lotería) by pure chance. To clarify that something was won with intention, you may hear "logró ganar" which means "managed to win" or "succeeded in winning." For some context, check the sports pages for a story of a deserving team that managed to win (logró ganar) an important game or match.


Keeping following the beautiful Ms. Oreiro and you'll encounter more sweet words of success. For now, we'll leave you with two more lines from Part 10 of our Biography video:


Natalia había superado sus sueños.

Natalia had surpassed her dreams.

Caption 23, Biografía - Natalia Oreiro - Part 10

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Con su música, Natalia había conquistado mercados alrededor del mundo.

With her music, Natalia had conquered markets around the world.

Caption 39, Biografía - Natalia Oreiro - Part 10

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