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TV Tours-Hollywood sur Loire!

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When a film shoot comes to town, it often brings a lot of jobs along with it, from hiring locals as extras to enlisting the services of caterers, hotels, and other businesses. The numerous film shoots near the town of Saint-Cyr-du-Gault have supported the area's economy and put many people to work.

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Exemplos de vídeos gratuitos

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    Guillermina y Candelario - Un pez mágico

    Dificuldade: difficulty - 2

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    Raquel - Visitar al Médico

    Dificuldade: difficulty - 2

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    Otavalo - Un día en la ciudad de los lagos

    Dificuldade: difficulty - 3

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    Paseando con Karen - Monterrey - Museo de Historia Mexicana

    Dificuldade: difficulty - 2