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Estar harto

In the Argentine drama Provócame, we hear an ugly exchange between Mariano and his mamá. First, she calls her son an imbecile and then, a little later, Mariano spits:


¡Estoy harto de que te metas en mis cosas, mamá!

I'm sick of you sticking your nose in my business, mom!

Estoy harto de vos.

I'm sick of you.

Captions 34-35, Provócame - Capítulo Seis

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Yes, he's had it up to here, as we might say in English. Hearing these lines, we were reminded of the theme song for another drama in our library: Disputas. The song goes like this:


Me llamas para decirme que te marchas...

You call me to tell me that you're leaving...

que ya no aguantas más...

that you can't take it anymore...

que ya estás harta de verle cada día...

that you're fed up of seeing him each day...

de compartir su cama...

of sharing his bed...

Captions 15-20, Disputas La Extraña Dama - Part 2

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Did you notice it's "harta" instead of "harto" in the song? The "you" is obviously female. You see, "harto(a)" is an adjective that on its own means "full." It agrees with the person who's, well, had it.

In this song, a similar sentiment is expressed with "ya no aguantas más" ("you can't take it anymore"). We wrote about the verb
"aguantar" ("to endure, to bear, to stand, to put up with, to tolerate") before, in
this lesson. As it happens, we also hear the word uttered in the newest installment of Provócame by young Julieta who claims to be running a very high fever (40º C = 104º F!). She says:


No parece porque me aguanto.

It doesn't look like it because I tolerate it.

Caption 47, Provócame - Capítulo Seis

 Play Caption



You see, Julieta is enduring her illness in a way someone who's fed up with sickness might not. In a sense, you can tolerate (aguantarse) something until you are sick of it (estar harto).


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Legenda 47, 35, 34
Legenda 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15

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