Do you know how to say "there" in Spanish? There are three different ways: ahí, allí and allá. Today's lesson will explore the differences and similarities between them in both pronunciation and usage.
Let's learn how to pronounce the three ways to say "there" in Spanish.
When listening to this word, keep in mind that the letter h in Spanish is silent (see Spanish Alphabet: Letters and Pronunciation to review this and more). Let's hear it in context:
Ahí está.
There it is.
Caption 10, Animales en familia La operación de Yaki - Part 1
Play Caption
Although the word allí in Spanish is often confused with words like hay, ay, and ahí, its pronunciation is actually different from ahí due to the double L (ll) sound in Spanish, which is equivalent to the letter y. Let's listen to it:
Allí, los productos son muy frescos.
There, the products are very fresh.
Caption 11, Ariana Cena especial
Play Caption
Hence, the pronunciation difference between the words ahí and allí can be broken down as follows:
ahí = ah-ee
allí = ah-yee
That said, this difference can be very hard to hear for non-native speakers, especially with accents from Spain or other regions where the ll/y sound is quite subtle. This sound is, however, more distinct in other regions like the Dominican Republic, where it sounds like a soft g or j, and Argentina and Uruguay, where it sounds like "sh," as we hear in this caption:
Por allí, están los botones "hide".
Over there are the "hide" buttons.
Caption 34, Julieta Promo
Play Caption
The difference in the final letter makes the word allá stand out even more from its predecessors. Let's hear it pronounced:
Aha... allá.
Uh-huh... there.
Caption 55, Aprendiendo con Priscilla Juego de palabras
Play Caption
Now let's explore the difference in meaning between the different words for "there" in Spanish.
The RAE (Real Academia Española) defines the word ahí as "en" or "a ese lugar" ("in" or "to that place") or simply "ese lugar" (that place). Having said that, remember that ese in Spanish is the "nearer" version of "that" with definitions ranging from "near the speaker," "far from the speaker but near to the listener" or "close but not within reach." With this in mind, let's see a couple of examples of the word ahí in context.
¿Me puedo sentar ahí? -Claro.
Can I sit there? -Of course.
Caption 27, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 1 - Part 8
Play Caption
Ahí está.
There it is.
Caption 41, Ana Carolina Recorrido por el parque
Play Caption
While the English translation of the definition for allí is the same as for ahí ("in" or "to that place" or "that place"), the difference lies in the replacement of the word ese with aquel, which also means "that" but constitutes a further distance (as explained in this lesson on demonstrative adjectives) that might be thought of as "far from both the speaker and the listener." Its translation can thus be either "there" or "over there." Let's see two examples where the speakers refer to locations far from where they currently are:
Y allí existe una de las mayores huertas de España,
And there, there is one of the biggest vegetable gardens in Spain,
Caption 41, Soledad Ensaladilla de brócoli
Play Caption
y allí estuve durante diez años;
And I was there for ten years,
Caption 23, Luis Guitarra Influencias musicales - Part 1
Play Caption
According to the RAE, one definition of allá, which can also be translated as "there" or "over there," is "en aquel lugar o sus proximidades" (in that place or its vicinity), making the term a bit more vague. Let's see an example:
Sin embargo, uno de los ecosistemas más importantes de la zona está allá. En el mar.
However, one of the most important ecosystems of the area is over there. In the sea.
Caption 65, Instinto de conservación Parque Tayrona - Part 2
Play Caption
Allá can also be used in lieu of allí to emphasize the distance of a particular place:
Y pues entré a hacer mi maestría allá en Moscú, de... de imagen.
And well, I went to do my master's degree there in Moscow in... in photography.
Caption 40, Bogotá Fotógrafo José Segundo Quinche Pérez
Play Caption
Although we have explored the primary definitions for the Spanish terms ahí, allí and allá, note that if you scroll further down in the entry for ahí, the RAE actually lists allí and allá as synonyms! This is because, like the words for "here" in Spanish (aquí and acá), the use of the words for "there" varies vastly from region to region and person to person, leading many speakers to use these terms differently or interchangeably. Let's see a couple of examples that deviate from the parameters we have learned:
¡Oh, mira ese vestido allá!
Oh, look at that dress over there!
Caption 23, Cleer y Carolina De compras
Play Caption
Y ahí, no es como Madrid que sales cuando te da la gana, es que allí, no paras.
And there, it's not like in Madrid where you go out when you feel like it, it's just that there, you never stop.
Captions 18-20, Arume Barcelona
Play Caption
To conclude today's lesson, let's concisely sum up what we have learned:
1. Generally speaking, ahí describes something relatively close to the speaker and/or listener. It is most typically translated as "there."
2. Allí usually describes something further away from both the speaker and listener. It is most typically translated as "there" or "over there."
3. Allá is similar to allí, but less specific, and can also be employed to emphasize distance. Its translations are "there" or "over there."
4. There is a great deal of overlap in the manner in which these words for "there" are used in spoken Spanish, which is often influenced more by the individual or region than any strict parameter of distance or grammatical rule.
That's all for this lesson. We hope that it has helped you to understand the differences and similarities among the three different ways to say "there" in Spanish, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
As you might imagine, the Spanish preposition durante can often mean "during." However, in different contexts, it is also the equivalent of the English words "for" and "over." This lesson will explore some of the meanings and peculiarities of the Spanish preposition durante.
The Spanish preposition durante should be translated as "during" when it refers to when something took place. Let's explore two subcategories of this usage.
Like the English preposition "during," the Spanish word durante can mean "throughout the duration or course of." Let's see an example:
el calor en Sevilla es bastante fuerte durante los meses de verano
the heat in Seville is quite intense during the summer months,
Caption 21, Viajando con Fermín Sevilla - Part 2
Play Caption
Also like "during," durante can refer to a specific point within some time period, as this caption illustrates:
Durante nuestra visita hemos tenido la ocasión de charlar con Mikel,
During our visit, we've had the opportunity to chat with Mikel,
Captions 65-66, Viajando con Fermín Restaurante La Viña - Part 1
Play Caption
When the Spanish preposition durante is used to talk about something's duration, or how long it lasted, it works like the English preposition "for." Let's see an example:
tenemos que hacer muchos ejercicios seguidos durante un minuto.
we have to do a lot of exercises in a row for a minute.
Caption 26, Ariana Crossfit - Part 1
Play Caption
Notice that, unlike the English preposition "during," the Spanish preposition durante can also come before plural periods of time, as we see in the following clip:
Ay, Kevin, nosotros no podemos esperarlo durante cuatro años.
Oh, Kevin, we can't wait for you for four years.
Caption 3, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 13 - Part 7
Play Caption
In other words, while it would be unusual to say "we can't wait for you during four years" in English, it is common to see the Spanish preposition durante used in this fashion as the equivalent of the English word "for."
Sometimes, durante describes an action that took place gradually, repetitively, or continuously within a particular timespan, in which case it is advisable to translate it as "over." Let's take a look:
han surgido durante los últimos diez años unas cincuenta escuelas de baile de salsa
some fifty salsa dance schools have sprung up over the last ten years,
Caption 2, Región mundo Paso a paso - Part 2
Play Caption
In the same vein, note that, when paired with todo/a (all/whole), the Spanish preposition durante means "throughout":
Los burros, durante toda la historia, han sido infravalorados, ¿no?
Donkeys, throughout history, have been undervalued, right?
Caption 25, Santuario para burros Santuario - Part 1
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has clarified many of the different meanings and translations of the Spanish preposition durante... and don't forget to write us with your suggestions and comments.
Do you know the word lo in Spanish? You may have learned lo as a direct object pronoun, in which case it typically replaces a singular, masculine noun to mean "him" or "it." The focus of today's lesson, however, will be two common Spanish phrases with lo that learners of the language sometimes confuse: lo que and lo de. Let's find out how they differ!
Lo que in Spanish is a neuter relative pronoun whose most common translations are "what," "which," "that which," or "the thing that." It is always followed by a conjugated verb and refers either to some concept, idea, or situation within the sentence or serves to add additional information about something that has been previously mentioned in it. Let's see some examples.
Ahora lo que vamos a hacer es dar un gran paseo por la playa
What we're going to do now is take a long walk along the beach
Caption 5, Amaya Mi camper van
Play Caption
Marcela, ¿estás segura que esto es lo que quieres?
Marcela, are you sure that this is what you want?
Caption 1, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 1 - Part 2
Play Caption
Solamente Estados Unidos produce setecientos treinta y cinco kilos de desechos por persona y año, lo que equivale a dos kilogramos diarios por persona y día.
Just the United States produces seven hundred thirty-five kilos of waste per person per year, which is equivalent to two kilograms daily per person per day.
Captions 14-17, 3R Campaña de reciclaje - Part 1
Play Caption
In contrast to lo que, lo de can be followed by various parts of speech such as infinitive verbs, nouns, etc. While a formal translation for lo de might be "the matter concerning," it roughly corresponds to such English phrases as "the thing about" or "the ... thing," with possible additional implications depending upon the context. Let's look at some captions that include it.
¿Ya sabe lo de Casas y Cata?
Do you know the thing about Casas and Cata yet?
Caption 62, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 8 - Part 1
Play Caption
Porque nos dices que es, eh... haces también lo de las motos, ¿no? -Sí.
Because you say to us that it's, um... you also do the motorcycle thing, right? -Yes.
Caption 16, Rueda de la muerte Parte 2
Play Caption
Primero que nada, pedirte perdón por lo de ayer.
First of all, to apologize for [what happened] yesterday.
Caption 12, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 5 - Part 4
Play Caption
Note that, in this last example, since the speaker is apologizing to the listener for something they both know happened, the implication could vary depending upon what it was, e.g., for "what happened," "what I did/said," etc.
With that said, we hope that this lesson has helped you to learn the difference between the Spanish expressions lo que and lo de. If you want to learn more expressions that include the word lo in Spanish, we recommend this one on the formula lo + adjective. In the meantime, don't forget to write us with any questions or suggestions.
You may have learned that the Spanish word que without an accent most commonly means "that," while its accented version qué tends to function like the English word "what" within questions. However, since both versions of que in Spanish can be employed as different parts of speech and within different constructions, with varying English translations, today's lesson will lay out many of these with plenty of examples from the Yabla Spanish library.
In this usage, que is used like "that" or "who" in English to introduce essential characteristics. Let's see some examples:
En esta aula tan solo había un chico que era español;
In this classroom, there was only one boy who was Spanish,
Caption 23, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Nacionalidades y adjetivos - Part 1
Play Caption
Se lo comen todo, hasta un aceite que huele a orégano.
They eat everything, even an oil that smells like oregano.
Caption 43, Amaya Burras a dieta
Play Caption
Sometimes, que functions like the English words "who," "that," or "which" to introduce additional, or nonessential, information, in which case it is typically set off by commas as in the following caption:
Así que Poeska, que es demasiado buena, optaba por irse
So Poeska, who is too nice, would choose to leave
Caption 64, Fermín y los gatos Mi gata Bimba
Play Caption
This less formal use of the word que could be translated with the English words "because" or "since":
Ay, no te quejés tanto, que mañana me tenés que llevar a hacer unas vuelticas.
Oh, don't complain so much since tomorrow, you have to take me to run some errands.
Caption 4, La Sucursal del Cielo Capítulo 2 - Part 8
Play Caption
Que is often used as the Spanish equivalent of "than" for making comparisons in Spanish.
Eres más compleja que tu madre.
You're more complex than your mother.
Caption 60, Yago - 6 Mentiras - Part 5
Play Caption
In this case, the word que comes between a verb and a subsequent conjecture or statement. Let's take a look:
Recuerde que todo el país tiene los ojos en usted
Remember that the whole country has its eyes on you,
Caption 62, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 3 - Part 5
Play Caption
Y bueno, yo creo que Lukas se nos ha quedado dormido.
And well, I think Lukas has fallen asleep on us.
Caption 57, Amaya Mi camper van
Play Caption
Note that while, in the first example, the word que has been translated as "that," in the second example, it has not been translated at all. This is because, although the word que is necessary in such constructions in Spanish, its English equivalent is often optional (the word "that" could also be left out of the first example). Furthermore, remember that if what follows que is a wish or desire, the next verb must be conjugated in a subjunctive tense, as follows:
No queremos que nuestra ley parezca demasiado blanda.
We don't want our law to look too lenient.
Caption 25, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 2 - Part 14
Play Caption
And speaking of the subjunctive, the word que can be used along with a subjunctive verb to give the idea that one "hopes" or desires something, or in the way that English speakers use "May..."
Que descanses. -Gracias.
[I hope you] sleep well. -Thanks.
Caption 12, Yago 8 Descubrimiento - Part 3
Play Caption
¡Que suenen las voces del himno nacional,
May the voices of the national anthem sound,
Caption 39, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 5 - Part 8
Play Caption
There are two main uses of the word qué in Spanish with a tilde, or written accent. Let's find out what they are.
The word qué in Spanish with a written accent is the equivalent of "what" in English and appears in both direct and indirect questions, or statements that include unknown information. Let's see an example of each:
¿Y tú, Cleer, qué idiomas hablas?
And you, Cleer, what languages do you speak?
Caption 18, Cleer y Lida ¿Qué idiomas hablas?
Play Caption
porque todavía no se sabe de qué rincón o de qué carta se está hablando.
because it's still not known what corner or what letter is being spoken about.
Captions 46-47, Carlos explica Los artículos en español - Part 3
Play Caption
Qué with an accent can also mean "how" or "what" within exclamations or interjections like the following:
¡Ah, qué rico!
Oh, how tasty!
Caption 40, Cleer y Lida Juego de preguntas y respuestas - Part 2
Play Caption
¡Pero qué chica más inteligente!
But what a smart girl!
Caption 27, Muñeca Brava 43 La reunión - Part 5
Play Caption
That's all for today. Although the many uses of the Spanish word que can feel a bit overwhelming, we hope that this lesson has clarified for you many of the major ones, and don't forget to write us with your questions or comments.
If you are wondering how to say I am in Spanish, there are two possible options to choose from: yo soy and yo estoy. If that surprises you, the first thing you need to know is that the English verb "to be" has two equivalents in Spanish: ser and estar. Let's hear how to say I am in Spanish with these two verbs:
With the verb ser (yo soy):
Bueno, yo soy Amaya
Well, I'm Amaya
Caption 2, Amaya - Donkey Dreamland
Play Caption
With the verb estar (yo estoy):
¿Cómo estás? Yo estoy bien.
How are you? I'm well.
Captions 7-8, Cleer y Lida - Llegando a una nueva ciudad
Play Caption
Now that you are aware of the above, we would like to give you some simple tips to keep in mind when dealing with the soy vs. estoy dilemma.
In Spanish, the verb ser is used to express permanent conditions such as the following:
Yo soy Karen, y en este momento.
I'm Karen, and right now.
Caption 3, Aprendiendo con Karen - El tiempo
Play Caption
Yo soy argentina.
I'm Argentine.
Caption 53, Carlos y Cyndy - Uso del Voseo en Argentina
Play Caption
You can also name your place of origin by using the preposition de plus the name of the place you come from:
Yo soy de Guatemala, tengo veintiséis años.
I'm from Guatemala, I'm twenty-six years old.
Caption 4, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín - Hilda y los volcanes
Play Caption
Yo soy la hermana de Ximena.
I'm Ximena's sister.
Caption 7, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 2
Play Caption
¡Ah! Yo soy profesora de niños.
Oh! I'm a children's teacher.
Caption 20, El Aula Azul - Los profesores de la escuela
Play Caption
Yo soy un tipo humanitario, te estoy escuchando.
I'm a humanitarian man, I'm listening to you.
Caption 26, Yago - 13 La verdad - Part 4
Play Caption
Yo soy negro, y entonces, por ende a mí me gusta la música negra,
I'm black, and so, therefore I like black music,
y la música negra en esos años para mí era Michael Jackson.
and black music in those years for me was Michael Jackson.
Captions 56-58, Leonardo Rodriguez Sirtori - Una vida como pintor
Play Caption
On the other hand, you use the verb estar in Spanish when talking about variables, conditions, or states, such as the following:
Bueno, bueno, yo estoy encantada.
Well, well, I'm delighted.
Es que, no sabéis qué me ha pasado.
It's just that, you don't know what's happened to me.
Captions 8-9, Clase Aula Azul - La segunda condicional
Play Caption
Ahora bien, yo estoy en el Departamento de Cundinamarca.
Having said that, I am in the Department of Cundinamarca.
Caption 20, Viajando con Carlos - Boyacá - Colombia
Play Caption
Yo estoy meditando en este momento.
I'm meditating right now.
Caption 40, Dayana - La meditación
Play Caption
Quiero que sepas que yo estoy dispuesta a conceder entrevistas.
I want you to know that I'm willing to grant interviews.
Caption 37, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 3
Play Caption
Yo estoy segura que Mariana te va a volver a buscar.
I'm sure that Mariana is going to seek you out again.
Caption 21, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 5
Play Caption
That's all for this lesson. We hope you now feel confident about how to say I am in Spanish, whether with the verb ser or the verb estar. And don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments.
In a previous lesson, we learned various ways to say "never" in Spanish. But what about "ever"? Find out in today's lesson!
To start, note that two of the very same formulas that were used to say "never" in Spanish can also be used to say "ever." This is due to the fact that sometimes an idea in English can be expressed with either of these two words. Let's take a look at these formulas to understand better.
Let's look at this formula where nunca has been translated as "never":
Oh... ¡Nunca voy a tener un novio!
Oh... I'm never going to have a boyfriend!
Caption 28, Extr@: Extra en español - Ep. 3 - Sam aprende a ligar
Play Caption
However, this very same formula can also mean "ever" because an alternative translation of the sentence above into English would be:
Oh... ¡Nunca voy a tener un novio!
Oh... I'm not ever going to have a boyfriend!
The same can be said for the formula no + sentence + nunca, as in the following example:
No te has equivocado nunca.
You've never made a mistake.
Once again, this very same construction can also be used to convey the idea of "ever" since an alternative English translation for this sentence would be: "You haven't ever made a mistake." Let's view this same sentence in question form:
¿No te has equivocado nunca?
Haven't you ever made a mistake?
Caption 73, 75 minutos - Del campo a la mesa
Play Caption
In addition, negative commands with the word nunca can be used to say the equivalent of "ever" in Spanish:
Y por favor, no me lo dejes solo nunca.
And please, for me, don't ever leave him alone.
Caption 5, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 1 - Part 14
Play Caption
Let's examine some more ways to say the English word "ever" in Spanish in different contexts.
One of the most common and straightforward ways to say "ever" in Spanish in the sense of "at some point in time" is alguna vez, typically within a question with either the present perfect or preterite tense. Let's see some examples:
¿Se han preguntado alguna vez por qué es importante reír?
Have you ever wondered why it's important to laugh?
Caption 8, Mónica - La risa
Play Caption
¿Alguna vez te pasó?
Has it ever happened to you?
Caption 32, Verano Eterno - Fiesta Grande
Play Caption
De todos los tiempos is yet another way to say "ever" in Spanish when the meaning is "of all time," which is, in fact, the literal translation of this phrase and could replace "ever" in the following example:
Hoy tenemos la fortuna de tenerlo entre nosotros,
Today we have the fortune to have him amongst us,
al más grande exponente de todos los tiempos, ¡al Señor Gardel!
the greatest example ever, Mister Gardel!
Captions 44-45, Yago - 1 La llegada
Play Caption
Finally, let's check out how many common English expressions with "ever" such as "more than ever," "never ever," etc. are said in Spanish.
Y yo te amé, como nunca jamás lo imaginé
And I loved you, as I never ever imagined it
Caption 8, Muñeca Brava - 9 Engaños
Play Caption
Ahora más que nunca, vas a hacer lo que yo te diga.
Now more than ever, you are going to do whatever I tell you.
Caption 10, Muñeca Brava - 7 El poema
Play Caption
El tiempo ha estado mejor/peor que nunca.
The weather has been better/worse than ever.
In fact, any adjective or adverb can be used between más (more) and que nunca (than ever) to convey the equivalent of English phrases with "than ever." Let's see a few examples:
Hoy he corrido más rápido que nunca.
Today, I've run faster than ever.
En cambio vos no cambiaste nada;
On the other hand you haven't changed a bit;
estás más hermosa que nunca.
you're more beautiful than ever.
Caption 56, Yago - 11 Prisión
Play Caption
¿No me quieres volver a ver nunca más?
You don't ever want to see me again?
Caption 2, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 1 - Part 2
Play Caption
Another translation for this sentence could be "You never want to see me again?"
y desde entonces se nos quedó adentro.
and it has remained within us ever since.
Caption 8, Región mundo - Paso a paso
Play Caption
And speaking of "ever since," did you know that, in addition to Vivieron felices para siempre, one of the manners of saying the popular storybook line "They lived happily ever after" in Spanish is Vivieron felices y comieron perdices ("They lived happily and ate partridges")? On that note, we'll conclude this lesson, hoping that you've learned a lot of useful phrases for translating the concept of "ever" into Spanish. And don't forget to write us with any questions or suggestions.
How do you say "never" in Spanish? Today's lesson will teach us a couple of different ways to say "never" in Spanish as well as some simple formulas and rules for using them. Are you ready?
The most common way to say "never" in Spanish is with the word nunca. Let's hear it in action:
¿Pero pantaloncitos calientes? ¡No, nunca!
But hot pants? No, never!
Caption 16, La Sucursal del Cielo - Capítulo 1
Play Caption
Now that we know that nunca is the most common word for "never" in Spanish, let's learn a couple of formulas for using it.
Let's see some examples of this construction from our Yabla Spanish library:
Nunca he estado en China.
I have never been in China.
Caption 27, Carlos explica - El pretérito Cap 3: Perfecto compuesto II
Play Caption
Juan nunca pone atención en clase.
Juan never pays attention in class.
Caption 20, Carlos explica - Los cinco sentidos
Play Caption
This way of saying "never" in Spanish entails a "double negative," which, in contrast to English, in Spanish is grammatically correct. Taking our previous two examples, we will now convert them to this double negative formula to express exactly the same thing:
Nunca he estado en China.
No he estado en China nunca.
Both mean: "I have never been to China."
Juan nunca pone atención en clase.
Juan no pone atención en clase nunca.
Both mean: "Juan never pays attention in class."
Now, let's look at a couple of additional examples of this double negative formula, noting that within this construction, the word nunca can go pretty much anywhere as long as it comes after the verb.
Creo que este momento no lo voy a olvidar nunca.
I think I'll never forget this moment.
Caption 10, Tu Voz Estéreo - Laura
Play Caption
Él todavía no ha salido nunca afuera.
He has still never gone outside [of it].
Caption 39, Animales en familia - Un día en Bioparc: Cachorro de leopardo
Play Caption
Just like nunca, the Spanish word jamás also means "never" in Spanish but is generally considered more emphatic. To remember how to use this word correctly, we can simply substitute the word jamás for nunca in our aforementioned formulas, utilizing the same parameters. Let's see some examples:
Yo jamás te mentiría.
I would never lie to you.
Caption 28, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 7
Play Caption
No se me hubiera ocurrido jamás.
It never would have occurred to me.
Caption 21, Los Años Maravillosos - Capítulo 12
Play Caption
If you want to be even more emphatic, you can combine nunca and jamás to get nunca jamás, which means something like "never ever" and is commonly seen in songs, telenovelas (Spanish soap operas), and other dramatic scenarios. Let's take a look:
Nunca jamás sentí tanto dolor. -No, no, no, no
I have never ever felt so much pain. -No, no, no, no
Es un puñal clavado aquí en mi corazón
It's a dagger stabbed here in my heart
Captions 15-16, Victor Manuelle - Nunca Habia Llorado Así
Play Caption
Que quedaste embarazada y nunca jamás lo volviste a ver.
That you ended up pregnant and you never ever saw him again.
Caption 50, Yago - 10 Enfrentamientos
Play Caption
With these melodramatic examples, we hope that this lesson has helped you feel more confident expressing the idea of "never" in Spanish, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
Let's start this lesson off with a quote that refers to a very important and oft-mentioned concept in Spanish:
Veamos el verbo en infinitivo
Let's look at the verb in infinitive
Caption 13, Carlos explica El modo imperativo 2: Irregulares, Usted + plurales
Play Caption
Most simply put, the infinitive is the impersonal, unconjugated, or "to" form of a verb, such as "to swim," "to see," or "to dance" in English. Let's take a closer look at Spanish infinitives and learn many of their potential uses.
Do you know how many types of infinitive verbs there are in Spanish? Let's hear the answer from Yabla's popular teacher Carolina:
Con infinitivo tenemos tres tipos de verbos: verbos que terminan en "ar", como "cantar", verbos que terminan en "er", como "comer" y verbos que terminan en "ir", como "salir".
With infinitive we have three types of verbs: verbs that end in "ar," like "cantar" [to sing], verbs that end in "er," like "comer" [to eat] and verbs that end in "ir," like "salir" [to leave].
Captions 11-14, Lecciones con Carolina El gerundio - Part 1
Play Caption
These three categories of infinitive verbs determine the patterns according to which regular verbs are conjugated in all of the various verb tenses in Spanish. Although there are far too many to name, we have provided below ten of the most common Spanish infinitives in each category. The bold print indicates some irregular or stem-changing verbs whose conjugations deviate from the norm.
-AR Verbs | -ER Verbs | -IR Verbs |
dar (to give) | aprender (to learn) | abrir (to open) |
estar (to be) | comer (to eat) | decir (to tell) |
hablar (to talk) | creer (to believe) | describir (to describe) |
llamar (to call) | hacer (to make/do) | escribir (to write) |
llegar (to arrive) | poder (to be able) | pedir (to ask) |
llevar (to take/carry) | querer (to want) | recibir (to receive) |
pasar (to spend) | saber (to know) | salir (to leave) |
quedar (to remain) | ser (to be) | sentir (to feel) |
tomar (to take) | tener (to have) | venir (to come) |
trabajar (to work) | vender (to sell) | vivir (to live) |
Now that we understand what an infinitive verb is, let's learn some of the ways in which these non-conjugated verbs can be employed in Spanish.
Many specific conjugated verbs in Spanish can be followed immediately by an infinitive verb. In this case, the infinitive may be translated into English with either the "to" or present participle (-ing) form, depending upon the specific verb and context. Let's see a couple of examples with querer (to want) and evitar (to avoid), which are often followed by infinitive verbs:
Perfecto. Yo quiero viajar a Japón. ¿Sí?
Perfect. I want to travel to Japan. Right?
Caption 77, Clase Aula Azul Pedir deseos - Part 1
Play Caption
"Evita beber desde media tarde bebidas estimulantes
"Avoid drinking, starting from mid-afternoon, stimulant drinks
Caption 24, Aprendiendo con Silvia Consejos para dormir mejor - Part 1
Play Caption
Although the list of these tverbs that are frequently followed by the infinitive is quite long, some additional common ones include buscar (to seek), deber (to have to/must), esperar (to hope), intentar (to try), necesitar (to need), soler (to usually), tener que (to have to), and temer (to fear).
When a verb follows a preposition in Spanish, it should be in the infinitive form. In these cases, Spanish infinitive verbs will be translated with the -ing form of the verb. Let's look at some examples:
Antes de empezar, necesito mis anteojos.
Before starting, I need my glasses.
Caption 19, Natalia de Ecuador Los adverbios de orden
Play Caption
¡Perdónalo! Lo dijo sin pensar.
Forgive him! He said it without thinking.
Caption 34, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 10 - Part 4
Play Caption
Some other prepositions after which infinitive Spanish verbs are often found include, but aren't limited to: a (to, at), con (with), de (from, of), después de (after), and en (at/in/on).
There are many common fixed expressions in Spanish that include prepositions and thus require the infinitive, including the near future tense, ir a + infinitive ("to be going to" do something), pensar en + infinitive ("to think about" doing something), dejar de + infinitive ("to stop" or "quit" doing something), tener ganas de + infinitive ("to feel like" doing something), haber que + infinitive (for some action "to be necessary"), estar por + infinitive ("to be about to" do something), and countless more! Let's see a few of these in action:
que tengo ganas de saltar y bailar.
that I feel like jumping and dancing.
Caption 4, Aprendiendo con Silvia Las emociones - Part 6
Play Caption
Había que pagar el precio.
One had to pay the price.
Caption 2, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 5 - Part 5
Play Caption
¡Ya deje de hablar de esa niña!
Stop talking about that girl already!
Caption 7, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 6 - Part 2
Play Caption
Sometimes, like in English, Spanish infinitive verbs can function like nouns, as in the following excerpt:
Me encanta comprar.
I love shopping.
Caption 40, Ariana Mi Semana
Play Caption
Note that in such cases, while the article is not required, it may be added for emphasis as follows:
Ahora hasta de hablar,
Now even about talking,
los muchachos les da pena el hablar maya.
the young kids are embarrassed about speaking Maya.
Caption 54, Yabla en Yucatán - Don Salo - Part 1
Play Caption
In certain situations, such as explaining how to do something step by step in a manual, cookbook, show, etc., or telling the public on a sign or some other medium what they can and cannot do, Spanish verbs in the infinitive can be construed as commands. Let's take a look:
"No fumar. Esto produce la muerte".
"Don't smoke. This causes death."
Caption 56, Los médicos explican - Las migrañas
Play Caption
An alternative translation on a sign might be: "No smoking."
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped you to understand what infinitive verbs are and many of their possible uses. Can you think of any more? Don't forget to write us with your suggestions and comments.
Do you know how to give advice in Spanish? Today's lesson will give you some advice... on ways to give advice in Spanish!
While the noun for "advice" in Spanish is consejo, in contrast to the English equivalent (an uncountable noun that does not change forms in the plural), the concept of general "advice" in Spanish can be conveyed with either the singular consejo or the plural form, consejos. Let's look at an example of each:
Entonces como consejo sano, ¿verdad? Tú mismo decir...
So as sound advice, right? You yourself saying...
Caption 54, Cuentas claras - Sobreviviendo enero
Play Caption
¿Qué consejos le darías a un turista que viene a Barcelona?
What advice would you give to a tourist who's coming to Barcelona?
Caption 51, Carlos y Xavi - Part 4 Tradiciones y comida de Barcelona
Play Caption
That said, when a definite or indefinite article (el, un, unos or los) or quantifying term like a number appears before this noun to refer to specific advice, the word consejo can sometimes be interpreted as a "piece of advice" or "tip," as in the following captions:
Es como un consejo de sentido común de la vida.
It's like a piece of common sense advice in life.
Caption 49, Verónica - "Reprogramación psicocorporal"
Play Caption
Pues, hoy les traemos cuatro consejos muy sencillos.
Well, today we bring you four very simple tips.
Caption 6, Natalia de Ecuador - Consejos: haciendo amigos como adultos
Play Caption
The verb that means "to give advice" in Spanish is aconsejar, which, when addressed to a specific person or people, can also mean "to advise" or "recommend":
Así que les aconsejo que aprendan los primeros diez ordinales
So, I advise you to learn the first ten ordinals,
ya que son muy útiles.
as they are very useful.
Caption 51, Carlos explica - Los Números: Números Ordinales
Play Caption
les sugiero que visiten el sugestivo Museo del oro.
I suggest that you visit the intriguing Gold Museum.
Caption 34, Aprendiendo con Carlos - América precolombina - Mitos y leyendas Muiscas
Play Caption
Yo te recomiendo leer mucho en español para mejorar tu nivel.
I recommend you read a lot in Spanish to improve your level.
Captions 64-65, El Aula Azul - Mis libros preferidos
Play Caption
os propongo que vengáis a visitar Genalguacil.
I suggest you come to visit Genalguacil.
Caption 67, Viajando con Fermín - Genalguacil
Play Caption
Now that you are familiar with these terms, here are a few rules of thumb for "advice verbs" like the ones we have just seen:
Since giving advice in Spanish is all about telling someone your opinion about what they "should" (or shouldn't) or "must" (or mustn't) do, let's now examine a few additional "advice verbs" in Spanish that express just that! Keep in mind that while our initial "advice verbs" were conjugated in the first person, the conjugations in this group will correspond to the many Spanish ways to say "you."
The verb deber + the infinitive tells someone what they "must" or "have to" do and is thus useful for giving advice in Spanish.
Ustedes deben permanecer juntos, felices.
You have to stay together, happy.
Caption 44, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 2
Play Caption
Note that when the verb deber is conjugated in the Spanish conditional form, it is the equivalent of the English "should":
Adrián, deberías tomar las pastillas que te di.
Adrian, you should take the pills that I gave you.
Caption 40, El Aula Azul - La Doctora Consejos: Subjuntivo y condicional
Play Caption
Since the Spanish verb tener que also means "to have to," it is often used along with the infinitive to give advice in Spanish:
Tienes que saber siempre muy bien cuál es tu límite.
You always have to know very well what your limit is.
Caption 56, Ana Teresa - Yoga y surf
Play Caption
Yet another way to give advice in Spanish is through fixed expressions, whose English translations are the exact equivalents of some English advice-giving phrases with which you are probably familiar. Let's take a look!
"Por qué no aprendes a tocar guitarra?"
"Why don't you learn to play the guitar?"
Caption 67, Alberto Jiménez - Causalidad
Play Caption
Bueno, si yo fuera tú, hablaría con él.
Well, if I were you, I would speak with him.
Caption 24, El Aula Azul - La Doctora Consejos: Subjuntivo y condicional
Play Caption
By the way, this utterance falls into the category of the second conditional in Spanish that employs the imperfect subjunctive and conditional tenses to describe what "would" happen if some condition "were" in place.
¡Hay que probarla! No, yo creo que sí.
You have to try it! No, I think so.
Caption 22, Cleer y Lida - El regreso de Lida
Play Caption
Por ahora lo mejor es que descanse.
For now, the best thing is for you to rest.
Caption 18, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 1
Play Caption
Por eso es mejor evitar que la ira tome el control.
That's why it's better to avoid [letting] anger take control.
Caption 42, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Las emociones
Play Caption
As with our first set of "advice verbs," the verb that follows these impersonal expressions in the last two examples will be either in the infinitive or subjunctive, depending upon whether or not it follows the conjunction que.
And finally, another method for giving advice in Spanish is simply telling someone what to do! For this purpose, we recommend that you learn or review the Spanish imperative mood, which includes both informal commands and formal commands. For now, let's take a look at a pair of examples of familiar commands in Spanish, one negative and one positive, that are used to give advice in Spanish in the following captions:
No tengas miedo de tomar la iniciativa.
Don't be afraid to take the initiative.
Caption 20, Natalia de Ecuador - Consejos: haciendo amigos como adultos
Play Caption
Evita beber desde media tarde bebidas estimulantes
Avoid drinking, starting from mid-afternoon, stimulant drinks
como el café, el té o bebidas con cola. Mm-hm.
like coffee, tea, or cola drinks. Mm-hmm.
Captions 24-25, Aprendiendo con Silvia - Consejos para dormir mejor
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has given you a lot of ideas about how to give advice in Spanish. Can you think of any more? Don't forget to write us with your suggestions, comments... or advice!
Do you know when to use the future perfect in Spanish? Known in Spanish as the futuro compuesto or antefuturo, the future perfect tense in Spanish works very similarly to its English counterpart to speak about things that "will have" happened at a given point of time in the future. However, despite its name, it can also be used to describe or ask about things that "must" or "would have" happened in the past! Let's take a look at how to conjugate the future perfect in Spanish as well examples of these usages.
Just like the Spanish present perfect tense, which is used to express things one "has done" in utterances like Yo he comido (I have eaten), the future perfect in Spanish employs the verb haber (an auxiliary, or helping, verb that means "have") plus the past participle (whose regular forms end in -ado or -ido and correspond to English participles ending in -ed or -en such as "danced," "taken," etc.). However, in contrast to the present perfect, where haber is conjugated in the present tense, the future perfect in Spanish employs the future tense of this verb. With this in mind, let's see the formula for conjugating the future perfect in Spanish:
Future tense of haber + past participle
Now, let's look at the future tense conjugations of the verb haber then hear how they are pronounced:
Personal Pronoun: | Future Conjugation of Haber: |
yo | habré (I will have) |
tú | habrás (you will have) |
él/ella/usted | habrá (he/she/you will have) |
nosotros/as | habremos (we will have) |
vosotros/as | habréis (you will have) |
ellos/ellas/ustedes | habrán (they/you will have) |
Habré, habrás, habrá, habremos, habréis, habrán.
I will have, you will have, he/she/you will have, we will have, you all will have, they/you all will have.
Caption 81, Escuela BCNLIP - Clase con Javi: el futuro
Play Caption
And finally, we will examine some examples of this formula in action:
ya que entonces el hechizo habrá terminado.
because then the spell will have finished.
Caption 56, Cuentos de hadas - Cenicienta
Play Caption
Habréis visto que sobre la mesa tengo también un trozo de limón.
You'll have seen that on the table, I also have a piece of lemon.
Captions 33-34, Soledad - Ensalada de alcachofa
Play Caption
You may have noticed that, as we indicated in the introduction, while the first example refers to something that "will happen" in the future, the second describes something that the speaker's audience probably saw in the past! Let's examine more closely these two different ways to employ the future perfect tense in Spanish.
The following examples illustrate the use of the Spanish future perfect tense to describe what "will have" happened in the future, which the context indicates quite clearly:
todavía estará más bueno,
it will be even better
ya que habrá cogido más cuerpo y más sabor.
since it will have gotten more body and more flavor.
Captions 69-70, Fermín - Ensalada de tomate
Play Caption
Dentro de cinco años, los ingenieros habrán terminado de construir el puente.
Within five years, the engineers will have finished building the bridge.
Para el año 2030, yo habré ahorrado mucho dinero.
By the year 2030, I will have saved a lot of money.
Let's conclude by looking at examples of the future perfect tense in Spanish that depict what "will" or "must" have happened in the past or speculate about what "would" or "could have" taken place:
Si pusieron atención,
If you paid attention,
se habrán dado cuenta que Kevin y Leo, que son hermanos,
you will have noticed that Kevin and Leo, who are brothers,
Captions 50-51, Carlos comenta - Los Años Maravillosos - Forma de hablar
Play Caption
Bueno, querido, pero algo habrás hecho.
Well, dear, but you must have done something.
Caption 25, Muñeca Brava - 39 Verdades - Part 4
Play Caption
¿Lo buscó bien?
Did you look for him well?
Lo buscó... -¿Pero dónde se habrá ido?
You looked for him... -But where would he have gone?
Caption 36, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante - Capítulo 3
Play Caption
Although the translations for each of these examples vary slightly, what they all have in common is the fact that the action being described requires an educated guess about something that has already happened.
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped you to understand when to use future perfect in Spanish, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
Do you know the difference between the Spanish verbs ser and estar? Although both mean "to be," the two verbs have different uses in Spanish. In very general terms, ser is used for more permanent characteristics while estar is used for fleeting conditions. If you need to learn or review the uses of these verbs in more detail, we recommend this lesson from the Yabla Spanish archives entitled Ser and Estar: An Easy Trick for Using These Verbs. Then, when you feel prepared, test yourself out with this quiz!
In the following sentences, choose the correct conjugation of ser or estar to fill in the blank.
a. es
b. está
a. son
b. están
a. es
b. está
a. es
b. está
a. soy
b. estoy
a. somos
b. estamos
a. estoy
b. soy
a. sois
b. estáis
a. son
b. están
a. eres
b. estás
a. son
b. están
a. sois
b. estáis
The following are the answers to all of the questions in this Ser vs. Estar Quiz as well as the translations and grammatical reasons for each.
1. Correct Answer: a. es (ser)
Diego es una persona amable y inteligente.
Diego is a kind and intelligent person.
REASON: The Spanish verb ser is used to describe fixed characteristics of a person, place, or thing.
2. Correct Answer: a. son (ser)
Son las diez y media de la mañana.
It's ten thirty in the morning.
REASON: Always use the verb ser when talking about time. Let's look at another example from Yabla's video library:
Hoy es viernes. Son las siete de la tarde
Today is Friday. It's seven in the evening
Caption 4, Los Reporteros - Crecen los robos en tiendas
Play Caption
3. Correct Answer: b. está (estar)
Mi vecino está en Colombia ahora.
My neighbor is in Colombia now.
REASON: When referring to something or someone's location, choose the verb estar.
4. Correct Answer: a. es (ser)
Mi vecino es de Colombia.
My neighbor is from Colombia.
REASON: Although this example might initially seem similar to the previous one, the word de (from) in this one tips us off that it is referring to origin, which requires the verb ser. Let's see another example:
Eh... Soy argentino y español; mi madre es catalana.
Um... I'm Argentinean and Spanish; my mother is Catalonian.
Caption 3, World Travel Market en Londres - Raúl nos habla de México
Play Caption
5. Correct Answer: b. estoy (estar)
Yo estoy hablando por teléfono en este momento.
I'm talking on the phone right now.
REASON: The key word to remember this use of the verb estar is action. In fact, the verb estar is an integral part of the Spanish present progressive tense, which consists of the verb estar plus the present participle form (equivalent to -ing verbs in English). This tense describes actions unfolding in the present moment, as in the following example:
"¿Qué estás pensando, Aminata?"
"What are you thinking about, Aminata?"
Caption 58, Aprendiendo con Carlos - El microrrelato
Play Caption
6. Correct Answer: b. estamos (estar)
Nosotros estamos sentados en el auditorio.
We're seated in the auditorium.
REASON: Employ the verb estar to talk about position.
7. Correct Answer: a. estoy (estar)
Yo estoy muy contenta porque mi amiga me viene a visitar.
I'm very happy because my friend is coming to visit me.
REASON: When talking about emotions, which tend to be fleeting, it's necessary to use the verb estar.
8. Correct Answer: a. sois (ser)
Vosotros sois altos y flacos.
You guys are tall and thin.
REASON: To provide descriptions, utilize the verb ser along with the pertinent adjectives.
9. Correct Answer: b. están
Casi todos los alumnos están enfermos.
Almost all of the students are sick.
REASON: When describing temporary conditions, such as illness, stress, business, etc., pick the veb estar.
10. Correct Answer: a. eres (ser)
Tú eres maestro de inglés.
You're an English teacher.
REASON: Occupations should be spoken about with the verb ser.
11. Correct Answer: a. son (ser)
Francisco y Eliana son primos.
Francisco and Eliana are cousins.
REASON: The verb ser is the correct choice when describing relationships.
12. Correct answer: b. estáis (estar)
¿Cómo estáis vosotros hoy?
How are you today?
REASON: Since how one "is" changes from moment to moment, this common question might evoke answers that include conditions or emotions. It thus employs the verb estar, as do its potential responses:
Yo estoy bien,
I'm well,
Caption 8, Cleer y Lida - Llegando a una nueva ciudad
Play Caption
Estoy muy enfadada.
I am very angry.
Caption 31, El Aula Azul - Estados de ánimo
Play Caption
That's all for this quiz on the Spanish verbs ser vs. estar. We hope you did well, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
Are you familiar with the Spanish preposition contra? In most cases, the Spanish preposition contra can be translated as "against" and functions very similarly to many uses of its English counterpart. Occasionally, however, this Spanish preposition can be used to depict situations in which a different English preposition could be utilized. Let's explore some uses and nuances of this Spanish preposition.
The first meaning of the Spanish preposition contra refers to the opposition of two or more things, in which case it is typically translated as "against." Let's take a look at a couple of examples that describe entities facing off "against" one another:
una batalla ocurrida en mil setecientos dos que enfrentó a ingleses y holandeses contra españoles y franceses,
a battle that took place in seventeen oh two, which pitted the English and Dutch against the Spanish and French,
Captions 56-57, Adrián en Galicia Vigo
Play Caption
¿Cómo ves el Mundial? ¿Cómo ves esto? -Yo lo veo que vamos a ser España contra Argentina.
How do you see the World Cup? How do you see this? -I see it as we're going to be Spain against Argentina.
Captions 55-56, Víctor en España El Mundial de Catar 2022 - Part 2
Play Caption
Similarly, the Spanish preposition contra can reference the literal or figurative fight "against" something specific, such as a disease or cause:
pero la lucha contra el narcotráfico continúa
but the fight against narco-trafficking continues,
Caption 41, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar Capítulo 1 - Part 11
Play Caption
Busco un remedio contra el dolor de cabeza.
I'm looking for some headache medicine.
Note that in this last example, while the word "contra" implies combatting pain, it is not explicitly translated into English.
Like the English word "against," the Spanish preposition contra can indicate a sentiment of disagreement, disapproval, or opposition, for example, to a particular cause, notion, or person. Let's examine some examples of this meaning of contra:
¡Y contra eso estamos!
And we're against that!
Caption 58, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar Capítulo 1 - Part 13
Play Caption
In this context, the word contra often appears within the construction en contra de, which means "against" or "in opposition to":
Los diferentes sistemas o soluciones constructivas, eh... No estoy a favor o en contra de ninguno.
The different systems or constructive solutions, um... I'm not in favor of or against any one.
Captions 7-8, Leif El Arquitecto Español y su Arte - Part 2
Play Caption
This third use of the Spanish preposition contra denotes the direction of a movement "towards" something or someone. Although the word "against" can sometimes act as an English equivalent of this usage, in other cases, different English prepositions may be more common translations. For example, if you said "Reboté mi pelota contra la pared," a common translation would be "I bounced my ball off the wall." Let's see a few more examples:
El coche chocó contra la pared
The car crashed into the wall
Bochica lanzó su báculo contra la montaña,
Bochica threw his staff at the mountain,
Caption 51, Aprendiendo con Carlos América precolombina - El mito de Bochica
Play Caption
se percuten contra el piso. Otras veces, esos instrumentos se percuten... madera contra madera.
are struck against the floor. Other times, those instruments are struck... reed to reed.
Captions 29-31, Sonido Babel Los quitiplás
Play Caption
This meaning of the Spanish preposition contra typically describes things that are leaning "on" or "(up) against" something else, or facing it, as in the following examples:
El niño apoyó su patinete contra la pared.
The child leaned his scooter on/against the wall.
Arrimaron los tablones contra el muro.
They put the boards up against the wall.
In common expressions like "entrega contra reembolso" (delivery on/upon payment) or "pago contra entrega" (payment on/upon receipt), the Spanish preposition contra conveys that one thing happens in exchange for another and/or cannot happen until something else has occurred:
Recibirán el dinero contra entrega de la factura.
You'll receive the money when you submit the invoice.
Interestingly, the securities industry uses a similar term, versus, in expressions like Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) to say that payment must take place in order for the delivery to happen. However, most of the time, the English words "on," "upon," or "when" convey this notion.
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has clarified for you the different uses of the Spanish preposition contra. Can you think of any additional examples and/or their English translations? We'd love for you to write us with you insights and questions.
Although the Spanish pronoun se is most typically associated with reflexive verbs or passive or impersonal constructions, there is a case in which the indirect object pronoun le actually converts to a se! Let's find out what it is.
While a lot can be said about the topic of direct and indirect object pronouns, we'll provide you with a very brief overview.
Direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las) replace a direct object to convey the idea of "me, "you," "it," "we," and "them." Their form depends upon whether what is being replaced is masculine or feminine and singular or plural. For example, if instead of saying "I have the apples" (Tengo las manzanas), you wanted to say simply "I have them," you'd use the feminine plural las to agree with las manzanas to say, "Yo las tengo."
Indirect object pronouns let us know "to whom" an action happens. If you wished to say, for example, "I gave the apple to him," you'd say Yo le di la manzana since le is the indirect object pronoun that corresponds to the subject pronoun él (he). The indirect object pronouns and their corresponding subject pronouns are: me (yo), te (tú), le (él, ella, usted), nos (nosotros/as), os (vosotros/as), and les (ellos/as, ustedes).
So, what if you want to both replace a direct object and indicate "to whom" something happens? You'd then use both a direct and an indirect object pronoun, starting with the latter. Let's see a couple of examples from our Yabla Spanish library:
Y tengo acá las revistas. Si quieres te las enseño después. Y...
And I have the magazines here. If you want I'll show them to you later. And...
Captions 77-78, Gonzalo el Pintor Vida - Part 2
Play Caption
Here, Gonzalo uses las to replace the feminine plural noun las revistas (the magazines) and te to indicate that he will show them "to you." Let's see one more example.
Y yo voy a la huerta a buscar los tomatitos ya que nadie me los trae.
And I'm going to go to the garden to look for the tomatoes since no one's bringing them to me.
Caption 32, Muñeca Brava 41 La Fiesta - Part 5
Play Caption
In this case, the speaker uses the masculine plural los to replace the masculine plural los tomatitos (the tomatoes), and the indirect object pronoun me (to me) to reflect that "no one's bringing them to me."
It seems pretty simple, right? The "problem" arises when the required indirect object pronoun is le or les. For example, if you wish to say, "I'm giving it to them," referring to el lapiz (the pencil), would you say: "Yo les lo doy"? The rules of the Spanish language state that whenever the indirect object pronoun in question is le or les, those words change to se to avoid the awkwardness of having two words that begin with "l" in a row. The correct manner of saying this would thus be Yo se lo doy. Let's look at a few more examples from our Yabla Spanish library.
Voy a escribirle una carta y se la mando con el Señor Viento.
I'm going to write her a letter and I'll send it to her with Mister Wind.
Captions 56-58, Guillermina y Candelario El Mar enamorado
Play Caption
Él... él se los dio a mi marido
He... he gave them to my husband,
Caption 76, Málaga Lourdes y la talabartería en Mijas Pueblo
Play Caption
La quiero ver... con moñito y todo se lo regalo. -Bueno...
I want to see you... with a bow and everything, I'll give him to you. -Well...
Caption 14, Muñeca Brava 18 - La Apuesta - Part 7
Play Caption
Remember that, as with all direct and indirect object pronouns, se lo, etc. are typically placed directly before the verb. However, in the case of infinitive verbs, they are attached to the end of the infinitive to form a new word (with the appropriate placement of a written tilde according to the Spanish accent rules). Let's see a couple of examples:
Señor, esa información no puedo dársela yo.
Sir, I can't give you that information.
Caption 60, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 1 - Part 8
Play Caption
El problema es que no era capaz de decírselo.
The problem is that I wasn't capable of telling it to him.
Caption 44, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 13 - Part 5
Play Caption
We hope that this lesson has shed a bit of light on those cases in which the indirect object pronouns le and les change to se. Don't forget to write us with your questions and suggestions.
Have you heard of the "no fault se" construction in Spanish? Do you know the "no fault se" formula and how to use it? Do you know which verbs are most commonly seen with the "no fault se"? Today's lesson will touch upon all of these topics!
If you lose a lot of things, like many of us, you'll be happy to hear that, unlike English, the Spanish language doesn't think it's our fault! It tends to describe certain things happening "to us" rather than us carrying them out. For example, instead of saying Yo perdí el libro (I lost the book), it would be more common for a native Spanish speaker to say, Se me perdió el libro (literally "The book got lost to me"). And, instead of saying directly "I dropped the eggs," you might say Se me cayeron los huevos, which literally translates to something like "The eggs fell from me."
Now that we have some idea about the "no fault se" construction, which might also be referred to as the "involuntary se," let's learn the necessary elements to create sentences that employ it:
1. The pronoun se.
2. An indirect object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, os, or le) that indicates "to whom" the action "is happening" (or, depending on perception, who "did" it!).
3. A verb in the third person that is conjugated in either singular or plural in accordance with the subject (as in passive constructions).
4. Optional: a (to) plus a prepositional pronoun (mí (me), ti (you), él (him), ella (her), usted (formal "you"), nosotros/as (we), vosotros/as (plural "you"), or ustedes (formal plural "you")), or a direct object to emphasize "the victim" of the action (see verbs like gustar).
Let's take a look at a couple of examples:
y se le cayó el trozo de carne.
and he dropped the piece of meat.
Caption 13, Club de las ideas La zorra y el cuervo
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In terms of our formula, we have 1. the pronoun se 2. the indirect object pronoun le to indicate that it happened "to him" (since le corresponds to the subject pronoun él (him)), and 3. the verb caer (to fall) conjugated in third person singular because la carne (the meat) is singular. Optionally, a él could have been added to emphasize the action's "victim" (a él se le cayó...). Let's see another example:
El martes se me perdieron las llaves de casa,
On Tuesday, my house keys got lost,
Caption 14, El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos: El pronombre "se"
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Here, we see: 1. the pronoun se 2. the indirect object pronoun me to point towards the first person, yo (I), and 3. the verb perder (to lose) conjugated in third person plural to agree with the plural las llaves (the keys). A mí could be an optional addition before "se me perdieron..."
In terms of the translation of the examples above, while the "no fault se" construction with caer is most often translated as "to drop," our second example might also have been communicated with "I lost my house keys" since this is the more common way of talking about losing things in English— although "got lost" might arguably convey this idea of "no fault" more effectively. That said, because there is not always an equivalent of every "no fault" construction in English, their translations may vary, and we will thus attempt to give you various English options for the following examples.
Now, let's examine some additional verbs that commonly appear in the "no fault se" construction.
Although a Spanish speaker could potentially say "Me olvidé" (I forgot), the idea of "forgetting" is more commonly expressed with the "no fault se" construction.
Por si se te olvidó, ¡soy tu madre! No, no se me olvidó. -Y si salí...
In case you forgot, I'm your mother! No, I didn't forget. -And if I went out...
Captions 41-42, Muñeca Brava 8 Trampas - Part 12
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Or, to emphasize this "involuntary" aspect, you might choose the alternative translations: "In case it slipped your mind/It didn't slip my mind."
While the verb ocurrir means "to happen," when used in the "no fault se" construction, common translations include both "to occur to" and "to think of":
No sé, se me ocurre que igual nos podríamos encontrar en otros sitios.
I don't know, it occurs to me that we could also meet in other places.
Captions 21-22, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 3 - Part 9
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Se me ocurrió una gran idea.
I thought of a great idea.
Caption 28, Guillermina y Candelario El paseo sobre el mar
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Whereas in English, one might confess that he or she "ran out of money," the money literally runs out on the person in Spanish!
Porque se me acabó el dinero y...
Because I ran out of money, and...
Caption 59, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 7: La gemela - Part 2
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Of course, one might also translate this construction as "my money run out."
Similarly, "I burned the cake" is most often expressed with the "no fault se" construction, as translated quite literally in the following example:
¡Dejé el pastel mucho tiempo en el horno y se me quemó!
I left the cake in the oven for too long and it burned on me!
Caption 25, Guillermina y Candelario Experimentos en la cocina
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To talk about the idea of "leaving something behind" in the sense of "forgetting it" somewhere, native Spanish speakers frequently employ the "involuntary se" construction with the verb quedar:
Se te quedó esto. -Espera.
You left this behind. -Wait.
Caption 55, Salvando el planeta Palabra Llegada - Part 6
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These are just some of the verbs that are commonly utilized in the "no fault se" in Spanish. To see many more, check out El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos: El pronombre se as well as Clase Aula Azul- Se involuntario, which explores this topic in depth... and don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments.
Do you know how to say that something "is necessary" in Spanish? Do you like telling people what "has to" be done? We'll teach you a simple formula!
To say something "is necessary" in Spanish, you might use the literal phrase es necesario (it's necessary) plus a verb's infinitive, or "to" form:
Es necesario usar papel, carbón o madera para encenderlo.
It's necessary to use paper, charcoal, or wood to light it.
Caption 22, El Aula Azul Adivina qué es - Part 1
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And, to tell someone what they "have to" do, you could use verbs like tener que (to have to) or deber (must) plus the infinitive:
Tienes que mejorar esto.
You have to improve this.
Caption 28, El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos: Hay y estar
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Bueno, primero debemos hacer la lista de invitados
Well, first, we must make the guest list
Caption 15, Cleer y Carolina Organizando la fiesta del abuelo
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However, if you are looking for a non-literal, conjugation-free alternative (to conjugate just the present indicative tense of tener que, for example, you have to memorize tengo que, tienes que, tiene que, tenemos que, tenéis que, and tienen que), we invite you to use the following, very simple formula, which can express the same thing as the previous three options in various contexts:
Hay que + infinitive
Don't get us wrong— you are going to have to learn those verb conjugations sooner or later! But, perhaps while you do, or as a viable alternative that native speakers often employ, you could opt for hay que + infinitive.
Hay comes from the Spanish verb haber, which is an auxiliary, or helping, verb that means "to have" or "to be" and appears in its conjugated forms as part of different verb tenses (e.g. the present perfect, pluperfect, etc.). Hay is haber's impersonal form, which never changes (it is always just hay in the present tense) and can mean "there is" or "there are." However, when hay is combined with que + infinitive, it becomes a fixed expression that means "it's necessary" (to do something). Let's see a couple of examples:
hay que darle la oportunidad de defenderse.
it's necessary to give him the opportunity to defend himself.
Caption 22, Los casos de Yabla Problemas de convivencia - Part 2
Play Caption
¡Hay que reclamar el premio antes de las diez de la noche!
You have to claim the prize before ten p.m.!
Caption 61, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 6: El día de la Primitiva - Part 4
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Note that the second example has been translated with "you have to," a more colloquial equivalent of "it's necessary" that includes the "universal you," implying "people" or "everyone." "One has to" or "one must" would also be valid translations.
The construction hay que + infinitive can be used in basically any context in which you want to say that "it's necessary" to do a particular thing. That said, we have included below a few scenarios in which you are likely to come across it. When reading the translations, keep in mind that while this impersonal construction has no specific subject, in cases in which the context or sentence makes clear who the speaker feels "has to" or "must" act in a particular way, the construction is often translated as if the subject were explicitly stated.
Since the construction hay que + infinitive explains what "people have to do," it only makes sense that it is often heard when talking about perceived wisdom about life:
En la vida hay que saber relajarse,
In life, you need to know how to relax,
Caption 44, Ana Teresa 5 principios del yoga
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El pasado hay que olvidarlo, hay que enterrarlo,
The past, you have to forget it, you have to bury it,
Captions 38-39, Yago 2 El puma - Part 1
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As we mentioned earlier, you might use the expression hay que + infinitive to tell someone what to do without explicitly saying "you must," as in these two examples from the popular series Confidencial: Asesino al Volante:
Yo sé que les dijimos que no vinieran por acá pero hay que darles la buena noticia.
I know we told them not to come here, but we have to give them the good news.
Captions 65-66, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 2 - Part 11
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Hay que demostrar que tú no eres ningún criminal,
You have to show that you're no criminal,
Caption 61, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 3 - Part 10
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In other cases, one might give a suggestion as to what they generally feel that "people" should do:
pues, hay que ir a México.
well, you have to go to Mexico.
Caption 32, World Travel Market en Londres Raúl nos habla de México
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Since giving directions entails explaining what "has to be done," you will often hear the construction hay que + infinitive in this context:
Después hay que torcer la primera calle a la izquierda.
Then you have to turn to the left on the first street.
Caption 34, Curso de español Disculpe, ¿hay un cine por aquí?
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Primero hay que ir todo derecho, ¿sí?
First you have to go straight ahead, right?
Caption 23, Curso de español Direcciones en la ciudad
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Similarly, hay que + infinitive will often be heard in contexts where specific instructions are given, such as cooking a particular recipe or for some other process:
Hay que añadir el agua poco a poco y vamos amasando hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.
It's necessary to add the water little by little and we start kneading until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
Captions 11-12, Recetas de cocina Arepas colombianas
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Cuando se bañan, hay que estar seguros de que no se mojen,
When they are bathed, you have to make sure they don't get wet,
Caption 39, La veterinaria "Huesos" visita a la doctora - Part 1
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These are, of course, just a few of the many situations in which you might use or encounter the construction hay que + infinitive.
While haber que + infinitive is probably most commonly seen the present indicative tense, it can also be found in other tenses. Let's see some examples in the imperfect tense , the preterite tense, and the future tense:
Definitivamente había que dejar el trabajo para dedicarme al restaurante.
I definitely had to leave my job to dedicate myself to the restaurant.
Caption 13, La Sub30 Familias - Part 9
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hubo que salir corriendo porque la Señora Di Carlo se moría.
we had to leave running because Mrs. Di Carlo was dying.
Caption 84, Muñeca Brava 2 Venganza - Part 6
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En fin, supongo que habrá que esperar hasta el lunes.
Anyway, I guess that it will have to wait until Monday.
Caption 86, Negocios La solicitud de empleo - Part 2
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And remember that, just like for the present, you only have to remember one form of haber for each tense: había que for the imperfect, hubo que for the preterite, and habrá que in the future. Yabla's lesson entitled Había o habían muchos libros? elaborates further.
As you've probably surmised from our plethora of examples, the construction haber que + infinitive is extremely common and useful, and now that you're familiar with it: hay que practicarlo mucho (you have to practice it a lot)! And don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments.
Are you familiar with the Spanish preposition entre? While the preposition entre in Spanish is most often a direct equivalent for the many uses of the English words "among" and "between," it can occasionally be utilized in slightly different ways and with different translations than its English counterparts. Today's lesson will explore many of its nuances.
According to the Dictionary of the Spanish language, the Spanish preposition entre "denotes the situation or state in between two or more things." Let's break up this definition into a few subcategories:
The Spanish preposition entre might describe the nature of a relationship "between" entities, whether talking about bloodlines or quality. Let's see an example of each:
La relación entre José y yo. ¿José es mi...? -Hermano.
The relationship between Jose and me. Jose is my...? -Brother.
Captions 19-20, Curso de español Vamos a hablar de la familia
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La relación entre mi papá y mi abuela era tan amistosa como la que tenía Rusia con Estados Unidos.
The relationship between my dad and my grandma was as friendly as the one Russia had with the United States.
Captions 8-9, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 13 - Part 2
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Now, let's look at an example where entre describes the "state" between two things:
encontréis ese equilibrio entre cuerpo y mente.
you find that balance between body and mind.
Caption 60, Ana Teresa 5 principios del yoga
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And finally, like the English word "between," the Spanish preposition entre can be employed to compare things:
¿Y sabéis cuál es la diferencia entre la lava y el magma?
And do you know what the difference between lava and magma is?
Caption 24, Aprendiendo con Silvia Los volcanes
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The preposition entre in Spanish also comes up in some situations in which an English speaker might use the word "in" or "within." Examining two different captions from the same video, note that while the first has been translated with the more literal "among," it could be substituted with the English word "in," while "in" is probably the only suitable choice in the second example.
Allí, se escondió entre los juncos.
There, he hid among the reeds.
Caption 29, Cleer El patito feo
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Pero, afortunadamente, una viejita que lo había visto entre la nieve, lo recogió.
But, fortunately, an old woman who had seen him in the snow picked him up.
Caption 39, Cleer El patito feo
Play Caption
Another use of the Spanish preposition entre is to refer to an intermediate state between two or more things:
Granada produce al año entre quince y veinte millones de kilos de aguacate
Granada produces per year between fifteen and twenty million kilos of avocados
Captions 1-2, 75 minutos Del campo a la mesa - Part 16
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Entonces los edificios tienen ese toque especial... de mezcla entre la arquitectura antigua y la moderna.
So the buildings have that special touch... from the mix between old and modern architecture.
Captions 20-21, Yabla en Buenos Aires Puerto Madero
Play Caption
This Spanish preposition can furthermore depict an intermediate physical location:
se sentaba siempre entre las dos únicas chicas de la clase,
always sat between the only two girls in the class,
Caption 33, Aprendiendo con Silvia Nacionalidades y adjetivos - Part 1
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The word entre in Spanish can likewise entail the idea of inclusion, as in the following two examples, where it could be replaced by the English phrase "as one of":
No gané el concurso, pero quedé entre los finalistas
I didn't win the contest, but I placed among the finalists,
Captions 46-47, Aprendiendo con Carlos El microrrelato - Part 3
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Entre ellos, tenemos estos burros de peluche que a la gente le gusta mucho.
Among them, we have these stuffed donkeys that people like a lot.
Captions 14-15, Santuario para burros Tienda solidaria
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As we see in the following examples, the Spanish preposition entre might also evoke the idea of collaborative effort:
Si podemos imaginarlo, entre todos podemos lograrlo.
If we can imagine it, among all of us, we can achieve it.
Caption 9, Con ánimo de lucro Cortometraje - Part 1
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El plato se llama "La Deli" y entre los tres le vamos a dar forma y la decoración.
The dish is called "The Deli," and between the three of us, we're going to give it shape and decorate it.
Caption 24, Misión Chef 2 - Pruebas - Part 7
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If you wish to speak about what is done customarily "among" particular groups, the Spanish preposition entre could additionally come in handy:
"Hermano" es una palabra que se usa mucho entre amigos
"Brother" is a word that is used a lot among friends
Caption 35, Carlos comenta Confidencial - Jerga típica colombiana
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una serie argentina que es muy popular entre nuestros usuarios.
an Argentine series that is very popular among our users.
Captions 3-4, Carlos y Cyndy Comentario sobre Muñeca Brava
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And finally, the preposition entre in Spanish can suggest reciprocity, in which case it might be translated with the English "each other."
y cómo se apoyaban entre ellos.
and how they supported each other.
Caption 19, Aprendiendo con Silvia Nacionalidades y adjetivos - Part 2
Play Caption
se juntaban las españolas de ese pueblo para hablar entre ellas.
the Spanish women from that town would get together to talk to each other.
Captions 49-50, Soledad Amistades
Play Caption
We hope that this lesson has helped you to better understand the many uses of the Spanish preposition entre, especially those that are slightly different than the manners in which its English equivalents "among" and "between" are employed. Feel free to write us with your questions and suggestions.
The Spanish conjunction aunque, whose English translations include "although," "even though," "even if," etc., often appears within the constructions aunque + present indicative and aunque + present subjunctive. Although sentences that include said constructions are often structurally similar, the use of either the indicative or the subjunctive with aunque affects their meaning. Additionally (and as usual in Spanish!), the subjunctive construction is slightly more challenging since the meaning of the same sentence could vary depending upon context. Let's take a closer look.
Aunque + present indicative is used to state facts and is a pretty straight-forward equivalent of similarly truth-stating English sentences with "although" and "even though." Let's see some examples:
aunque terminan en "a", son realmente palabras masculinas.
although they end in "a," they are really masculine words.
Caption 22, Lecciones con Carolina Errores comunes - Part 6
Play Caption
Aunque es checa la canción, el tema, eh... en Berlín, en Alemania creen [sic] mucha gente que es alemán.
Although the song, the tune, is Czech, um... in Berlin, in Germany, a lot of people think it's German.
Captions 48-49, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Manuel y El barrilito
Play Caption
Bueno, hay que ser optimista, aunque tengo la impresión de que no me van a dar el trabajo.
Well, one has to be optimistic, although I have the impression that they are not going to give me the job.
Captions 4-5, Negocios Empezar en un nuevo trabajo - Part 1
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These first two instances of aunque + present indicative are quite clear-cut because we know that what the speaker is saying is factual: The words Carolina mentions indeed end in "a," and the song Manuel describes is undoubtedly Czech. In the third example, although the speaker could possibly have different impressions regarding her employment chances, her use of the indicative definitively lets us know the impression she has about it.
In contrast to aunque + present indicative, aunque + present subjunctive conveys different meanings and is used in two different scenarios: 1. In hypothetical situations and 2. When the information being communicated is considered "background information" that the audience already knows.
In order to understand how the use of the subjunctive with aunque changes the meaning of a sentence, let's take the third example of aunque + present indicative and replace it with aunque + present subjunctive:
Bueno, hay que ser optimista, aunque tenga la impresión de que no me van a dar el trabajo.
Well, one has to be optimistic, even if I might have the impression that they are not going to give me the job.
The subjunctive version conveys something different than its indicative counterpart because, rather than explicitly stating her impression after a specific job interview, the speaker says more generally that "even though she might have" a particular impression following an interview, she should remain optimistic. Let's take a look at some additional examples of this use of aunque + present subjunctive from the Yabla Spanish library:
Aunque sea sólo para un fin de semana, para mí, tiene las características esenciales para disfrutar de un viaje,
Even if it's only for a weekend, for me, it has the essential characteristics for enjoying a trip,
Captions 47-49, Lydia de Barcelona Lydia y el festival de cine "Women Mujeres"
Play Caption
Here, Lydia is saying to an audience of potential tourists to Barcelona that, hypothetically speaking, a visit would be worth it even if they might only have one free weekend. On the other hand, the indicative "Aunque es sólo para un fin de semana" would be used for someone you knew was only visiting Barcelona for one weekend. This is sometimes confusing for English speakers since the phrase "Even if it's only for a weekend" could refer to either situation and is thus a valid translation for both the indicative and subjunctive versions of the sentence. Let's look at one more example:
Aunque no crean, existe el amor a primera vista.
Believe it or not, love at first sight does exist.
Caption 56, El reencuentro Las amigas hablan del trabajo y el amor.
Play Caption
While Aunque no crean is the Spanish equivalent of the English idiom "Believe it or not," a more literal translation is "Even though you might not believe it" since we don't know whether or not the audience does.
Now, let's examine a use of aunque + present subjunctive that might initially seem confusing:
Os recuerdo que las islas Canarias, aunque estén en el océano Atlántico y muy cerca de la costa africana,
I remind you that the Canary Islands, although they're in the Atlantic Ocean and very close to the African coast,
Captions 4-6, Aprendiendo con Silvia Deportes tradicionales canarios - Part 1
Play Caption
Since what Silvia is saying is a fact (the Canary Islands are most definitely located in the Atlantic Ocean, close to Africa), why does she use the subjunctive? This is because aunque + present subjunctive is also used when the speaker assumes that their audience already knows the information being stated.
To sum it up: Use the indicative when you want to inform someone about something that you assume is new information for them, and use the subjunctive to say things you believe the receiver already knows. Let's see another example of this use:
Aunque San Sebastián tenga tres playas, yo siempre hago surf en la Zurriola.
Even though San Sebastian has three beaches, I always surf at Zurriola.
Captions 16-17, Clase Aula Azul Información con subjuntivo e indicativo - Part 2
Play Caption
As seen here, even if it's a fact that San Sebastián has three beaches, you'd employ the subjunctive tenga for a person you think knows this information and the indicative tiene for a person you believe to be learning it, despite identical English translations. For a detailed explanation of this use of aunque + present subjunctive with a plethora of examples, check out the video series Clase Aula Azul: Información con subjuntivo e indicativo (Aula Azul Class: Information with Subjunctive and Indicative).
Sometimes, the meaning of an aunque + subjunctive sentence is ambiguous and, without context, might be impossible to ascertain. Let's take a look at an example that could be understood in more than one way:
Aunque haga calor, yo voy a usar mi chaqueta nueva.
On its face, this sentence could have two possible meanings:
1. Even though it might be hot (hypothetically on some particular day in the future), I'm going to wear my new jacket.
2. Even though it (really) is hot (and I know you know it's hot), I'm going to wear my new jacket.
In the second scenario, we assume that the person with whom we are speaking already knows the information; perhaps they are sitting there sweating with us, or maybe they called you to complain about the heat: The main point is that we believe that this is shared information. To determine, however, which of the two aforementioned meanings is intended, context is required, and there may be cases where it could seem to go either way.
In conclusion, aunque sea el concepto un poco difícil (although the concept might be a bit difficult), we hope that this lesson has made clear to you when to use the constructions aunque + present indicative and aunque + present subjunctive... and don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments!
Although the most common English translation for the Spanish preposition hasta is "until," like most Spanish prepositions, its meaning can vary in different contexts. Today's lesson will explore the four main definitions of the Spanish word hasta provided by Royal Spanish Academy as well as its various English translations.
According to the first definition, the Spanish preposition hasta can denote "a final limit in a trajectory of space or time." Possible translations for this use of hasta include "until," "up until," "up to," and "to." Let's take a look at this use via several subcategories.
The preposition hasta in Spanish can mean "up to" a certain point in time. Let's see some examples:
Eh... Trabajo hasta las dos
Um... I work until two,
Caption 47, Cleer y Lida Juego de preguntas y respuestas - Part 2
Play Caption
Hasta el momento, ella ha probado zanahoria, brócoli y papa.
Up until now, she has tried carrots, broccoli, and potatoes.
Captions 37-38, Ana Carolina Ejercicio de adverbios de tiempo
Play Caption
No llegaron hasta el final de la fiesta.They didn't arrive until the end of the party.
When used to talk about location, hasta means "up to that point" and might be translated with "up to" or simply "to":
Hay dos formas de llegar hasta Pasai Donibane: por mar o por tierra.
There are two ways to get to Pasai Donibane: by sea or by land.
Captions 29-30, Viajando con Fermín Pasajes (Pasaia) - Part 2
Play Caption
Aquí lo que tenemos que hacer es meter un hisopo, pues hasta su buche.
Here what we have to do is to place a Q-tip, well up to his throat.
Captions 53-54, Animales en familia Un día en Bioparc: Microchip para Nacahué - Part 1
Play Caption
The Spanish word hasta is often used along with que to form an adverbial phrase that means "until" (such moment as something else happens). Note that when the verb that follows hasta que refers to a habitual action or past event, it will be conjugated in an indicative tense. Let's see an example:
y lo tuvo con ella hasta que llegó la primavera.
and she had him with her until spring came.
Caption 41, Cleer El patito feo
Play Caption
On the other hand, when the subordinate clause following hasta que refers to a potential future event or is a command, the verb that follows will be in the subjunctive:
y tenemos que dejar que poche hasta que se quede bien blandita.
and we have to let it saute until it gets very soft.
Caption 41, La cocina de María Tortilla de patatas
Play Caption
For several more examples, check out Yabla's lesson on hasta que and hasta que no, which function similarly.
According to definition two, the Spanish preposition hasta can also describe a maximum quantity. Let's view a couple of examples:
En el mes me puedo gastar hasta doscientos euros...
During the month I can spend up to two hundred euros...
Caption 69, 75 minutos Gangas para ricos - Part 15
Play Caption
Pesan hasta siete kilos, ocho kilos los machos adultos.
They weigh up to seven kilograms, eight kilos for adult males.
Caption 95, Animales en familia Un día en Bioparc: Coatís
Play Caption
This third and less common use of the Spanish preposition hasta to mean "not before" is primarily heard in Mexico and Central America. Let's take a look:
Terminará hasta mediodía.
He won't finish before noon.
In the fourth definition, the Spanish word hasta instead functions as an adverb to add emphasis or a feeling of surprise or disbelief, much like the English word "even":
¿Hamburguesas de aguacate? -Sí... Hasta miel de aguacate.
Avocado burgers? -Yes... Even avocado honey.
Captions 44-45, 75 minutos Del campo a la mesa - Part 1
Play Caption
Hasta se cree la mega estrella.
She even thinks she's the megastar.
Caption 54, X6 1 - La banda - Part 1
Play Caption
Now that we know four different ways to use the Spanish word hasta, let's take a look at some of the many idiomatic expressions in which it appears, including at least five different ways to say goodbye in Spanish:
hasta luego: see you later
hasta pronto: see you soon
hasta la próxima: see you next time
hasta mañana: see you tomorrow
hasta la vista: until we meet again
A host of additional expressions with estar hasta mean "to be fed up":
estar hasta las narices (literally "to be up to one's noses")
estar hasta la gorra (literally "to be up to one's hat")
estar hasta arriba ("to have had it up to here")
estar hasta la coronilla (literally "to be up to one's crown")
Let's see this last one in context:
Muy bien, estaba hasta la coronilla.
Just great, I was fed up.
Caption 16, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 6 - Part 4
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Meanwhile, estar hasta el cuello (literally "to be up to one's neck") is equivalent to the English "to be up to one's eyeballs," or overwhelmed, while estar hasta en la sopa ("to be even in the soup") describes something or someone that seems omnipresent. And finally, let's look at a Spanish expression with hasta that can mean "that's all" or "that's it":
hasta aquí el vídeo de hoy.
that's all for today's video.
Caption 68, Aprendiendo con Silvia Recuerdos de infancia - Part 1
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On that note, we hope that this lesson has helped you to understand the different uses of the Spanish word hasta and some idioms that include it. Can you think of any more? We invite you to let us know with your suggestions and comments. ¡Hasta pronto!